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Friday, June 2, 2017

Holy Family BBQ

Clownfish Class is putting a basket together for our family BBQ on June 8, 2017.  Our theme for our basket is "balls" be as creative as you like.  The picture is a few items we have already received.  Thank you to the families that have already made a donation.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Museum Visit

Please don't forget your child's permission form and fee tomorrow. The students are very excited about taking a bus together and touring the museum with their friends. It's going to be a fun filled day!

We are looking forward to having as many parents as possible. Thank you so much from The Kinder Team!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Star Class Mrs.Dirienzo

Rainbow is inured  secret colour, wear as much multicolour you can!!!!

Ladybug Class Mrs. Panetta / Mrs. Taylor

Our secret colour for tomorrow Is  PURPLE!!! Wear as much purple as you can.  FYI the muffin breakfast and Jump Rope was a huge success!! The weather was at its absolute best and the children participated hard.  Thank you for all who came and all that helped donate to this wonderful cause.

Secret colours for Clownfish Class room 8! Mme. Finlay and Ms.Lavoie

Our secret class colour is BLUE.  Wear your most bluish attire tomorrow!!! Dress in as much blue as you can

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Tomorrow is our Jump Rope For Heart event. Please ensure your child is dressed for the weather. You are welcome to send in a water bottle for the event.

Please bring in any donation envelopes that have not yet been returned. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE DONATIONS THAT HAVE ALREADY COME IN....YOU ARE WONDERFUL!!

Sunday, April 30, 2017


Tomorrow is the first day of EDUCATION WEEK. Show your Holy Family spirit by wearing our school colours, blue and white. Check the school calendar and notice sent home for more events this coming week.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Mass at Holy Cross

Just letting you know that the Clown Fish and Star classes will be attending 9:30 mass at Holy Cross Church on Tuesday, April 25. You are most welcome to join our classes. Ask your child to recite the Our Father prayer! They are doing very well!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Pet Store Opening!

The Ladybugs are busy constructing a Pet Store in our dramatic play area. We are looking for a few things that will be returned.
- empty pet food/treat boxes
-a few actual treats
-a small plastic or plush pet that would be sold in a pet store
-water/food bowls
-anything else that you might have of interest

Thank you so much!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Boomarang lunches

Don't forgot that tomorrow is Boomarang lunch. Any container or wrapper that cannot be recycled will be sent back home. Please place everything is reusable containers to ensure our garbage cans stay empty. The students did quite well last week but let's try to reduce even more tomorrow. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Looking for....

The ladybugs are looking for clear plastic egg cartons and paper towel rolls please (not toilet paper). Thank you 

Monday, March 27, 2017


Mass is at 9:30 tomorrow at Holy Cross Church.

Mass at Holy Cross tomorrow

Mrs. Panetta's class will be bussed to Holy Cross Church for 9:00 am mass tomorrow, March 28. You are most welcome to join us at the church for 9:00. 
Thank you.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Chanson : Le printemps

                          Le printemps est arrivé!!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Lost mittens

Wondering if anyone accidentally took similar mittens home. Thank you for checking. 
The Ladybugs

Monday, March 20, 2017

Clownfish Class

The Clownfish Class is pleased to announce that we have a wonderful educator joining our class March 6th to April 6th 2017.  Deborah Casey is in the Early Childhood Program at 
St. Lawrence College.  We are so lucky to have her here at Holy Family.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Thank you

A great big THANK YOU for all the quarters, loonies and even more that came in for O.K. Clean water. The students were so excited to place their stickers on the pipeline. We actually had to add more pipes already!
They also had fun wearing their pyjamas for this worthwhile cause.
We want to wish everyone a lovely March Break. We wish safe travels to all those leaving for warmer climates.....lucky you!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

OK Clean Water Project

Our amazing school has been part of the OK clean water project for many years.  Throughout the years,  Holy Family School has raised over 3000 dollars providing almost 2 km of piping to deliver fresh water to Cameroon.  This year like no other we have begun the project and asking families within our community to help this wonderful project.  The children will be adding stickers onto our piping chart for every .25 cents brought in and for the lucky incentive, the class who raises the most will get to put a pie in a teacher's face!! I can't wait to see who that will be can you!!!!! Friday March 10th bring in a quarter and wear your pyjamas .....what a day to end before March break

Monday, March 6, 2017


Unfortunately, our Field Trip scheduled for March 22nd has been cancelled. We did not receive the appropriate number of volunteers to ensure safety.  We sincerely thank those parents who volunteered and truly hope that we can try again later in the year.

The Kinder Team

Friday, March 3, 2017

Kindergarten Outing

Thank you to the parents who have sent in the volunteer forms but we are still in need of 3 Parent volunteers per class.  Time is running short in preparation before March break and we would like to ensure this wonderful event can happen.  Please send in your volunteer forms early next week so we can fulfill this wonderful experience.

The Kindergarten Team

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Volunteers Needed

Recently a survey went home  in your child's mailbag asking for volunteers for an upcoming outing for all Kindergarten classes.  Without your support we will not be able to safely support this learning opportunity.  Please return your volunteer sheet in your child's mailbag before Friday March 3rd so we can further arrange this wonderful experience.

The Kindergarten Team 

Ash Wednesday Service today

Your child participated in our Lenten Mass today by receiving Ashes on the forehead. They were very respectful and many could retell the meaning of the Ashes. 
Father Domenic asked the students to recite the Our Father at home with their families throughout the forty days of Lent. Please encourage and assist your child in completing this meaningful task.

Our Lenten project once again this year, will focus on OK Clean Water during the forty days. We are asking for your support toward this worth while effort. We will be asking for coins from the students in attempt to reach our school goal of $400.00. Stay tuned for more details coming soon. 

Thank you 

Monday, February 27, 2017

Looking for....

We have depleted our stock of Kleenex in all 3 classes and the sniffles are unfortunately still with us! We would appreciate one box from each family. Thank you!

The Ladybugs are looking for the clear egg cartons only. They make great paint pots. Thank you!

Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday

Friendly reminder that tomorrow is Shrove Tuesday and the students will be treated to 2 pancakes and a juice from the Knights of Columbus. Please send a few snacks to fill in the gaps! We certainly appreciate the Knights kindness and hard work!

Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. We will be having our Lenten Mass in the gym Wednesday morning. Your child will be receiving Ashes on their forehead. We have been talking about this experience in class. Please feel free to reinforce this meaningful symbol on our road to Easter. You are certainly always welcome to join us for mass.

Thank you 

Reminder Tidbits for Parents

We are experiencing some beautiful warm spring weather that is giving us all a desire to shed some of the winter clothing but Mother Nature always comes with surprises.  We ask all parents to continue bringing in the snow pants and boots until the snow is officially gone.  We will be going outside on a daily basis and there will be no exceptions for your child to remain indoors.  Please ensure your child is still dressing appropriately for the cooler mornings that March and April brings along with some extra socks tucked in their school bag as the snow is beginning into the slush stage.  

We are also asking parents to refrain umbrellas being brought to the school as it is becoming a safety concern on the bus and with preparing for the end of the day.  Your child does not really have an opportunity to use it at the school and the object is usually sticking out of school bags and resulting in eye injuries.

Thank you for your continued support

The Kindergarten Team

Monday, February 13, 2017

The Clownfish Class

Last Week our class worked very hard in the making of our safe place.  Please ask your child what the safe place is?  What is it used for? 

Who is Shubert?

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Valentine Week Fun


Tuesday, February 14th is the Dance-a-thon...our School's Major Fundraiser! The Kinders will be doing their part by dancing away from 9:00 to 9:45 in the gym.  Parents are welcome to join their child in the dancing fun! We hope to see many of you there.

Thank you to the families who have already sent in their pledge form and money raised for the dance-a-thon. We truly appreciate it! Remember these funds go toward needs for our own school which in turn benefit your child. We are hoping for a goal of $20.00 per family.

The cake raffle will take place on Tuesday also. These proceeds go toward the grade 6 annual year end trip.


The Kinders can't wait to deliver the Valentine cards to their friends on Tuesday. We certainly hope the printing experience was fun and exciting! Thank you for supporting this worthwhile activity!