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Thursday, October 22, 2015


We are looking for the owner of these headphones, if these headphones belong to your child please send in a note in your child's mailbag so we can put a name on them.  If you have yet purchased a headset for your child's IPAD allotted time please do so asap as its a focusing tool  needed so the external distractions stay limited.

Thank you

The Kinder team

Sunday, October 11, 2015

September / October Kinders News Feed

What a great start to September!

The children  have  been very busy this month building new relationships, exploring  through play and discovering solutions to problems they endure.  Please take a moment to see this month's highlights of learning through play.

What has your child learned in the month of Setemeber?? This month, your children have been engaged in many learning experiences of  daily French and English activities in Literacy, Numeracy, Days of the week and 12 months of the year songs, educational smart board videos in French and English and becoming more independent in following daily routines.  Every week your child engages in gym, IPAD technology, Library, and two 60 minute blocks of play daily.


Who is shubert ?
What games have you played on the IPAD?
What songs do you know about fall in French?
What is the safe place or where is the safe place in your classroom?
Who do you play with?
What is centre time? what activities are available at centre time?
What does it mean to do the balloon, the drain, be a star or do the pretzel?
When would you do the pretzel the most? Can you show me what a quiet body looks like?

Please stay tuned for this  month's highlights of childrens' quotes, fotobables, discoveries and experiences through play.