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Monday, December 14, 2015


Kindergarten Christmas concert for Mme.Finlay / Ms.Lavoie's Class will begin tomorrow at 9:00 A.M followed by Mme. Gravel / Ms. Meunier's class at 9:30 A.M. In the gymnasium.  Red/black has been very popular colours  for this  event, although, your child will compliment any attire you choose.  Don't forget your camera's and please have your child arrive promptly to not further delay our opening.

Thank you

The Kindergarten Team

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

November's Exploriers

November Bulletin

What an exciting and memorable month to capture.  Please take a moment at the end of the day to ask your child some tidbit questions to recall their learning experiences . What is your favourite game on the IPad at school ? What do you like to play on the SMART Board?  What is a bully?  How do we help others?  What is a popcorn word?  What kinds of jobs can you help do to keep our classroom safe and clean?  In Mme. Finlay / Ms. Lavoie's class who is Sam and Sofia? What is a passport?  With your help, this will encourage detailed memory and critical thinking skills.  The children have been super excited learning new words and have started to investigate them EVERYWHERE!!! You can help keep this a learningful experience  by pointing out sight words or "popcorn words" during reading or when your out in the community.  Ask your child to play "an I spy with my little eye" game or encourage them to find these lists of words at home.  Early readers starts with recognition of letters then sounding the letters out.  Please  take time to work with your child on these skills.  Popcorn words become a word they do not need to sound out they just know and builds to reading a full sentence.

I,     am,     an,     the,     to,     is,     are,     it,     in,     for,     go,     a,     you,     look,     said,     up,     

boy,     girl,     me,     saw,     about,    all,     always,     can

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Save the date!!!!

December 15, 2015 the annual Kindergarten Christmas concert

This year's performance will be done a little differently then seen in previous years.

Mme. Finlay / Ms. Lavoie's class will perform in the gymnasium from 9:00 -9:30 a.m. followed with a performance from Mme. Gravel / Ms. Meunier's class from 9:30 - 10:00 a.m.  This year we have invited family and friend's to join us in your child (ren) classes in between and after performances for a social gathering until 10:30 a.m.  The kinders have been working very hard and are very excited to celebrate this day with you.  

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Lest We Forget

Tomorrow we will be honouring Remembrance Day by wearing our RED and BLACK followed with a ceremony in the gym at 10:30  A.M.  Parents are welcome to celebrate our 2 minute of silence at 11:00 a.m in the classes.  

Architects at their best!

October News Bulletin

It has been a busy and productive October! We are so very proud of all the learning being discovered through play.  Please take a moment and ask your child what they have learned by prompting some questions.    " what does it mean to be a bucket dipper vs a bucket filler." How long does it take for a pumpkin to grow?"  "What are the 5 senses?"   "What  shapes have you noticed in the classroom?"

Thursday, October 22, 2015


We are looking for the owner of these headphones, if these headphones belong to your child please send in a note in your child's mailbag so we can put a name on them.  If you have yet purchased a headset for your child's IPAD allotted time please do so asap as its a focusing tool  needed so the external distractions stay limited.

Thank you

The Kinder team

Sunday, October 11, 2015

September / October Kinders News Feed

What a great start to September!

The children  have  been very busy this month building new relationships, exploring  through play and discovering solutions to problems they endure.  Please take a moment to see this month's highlights of learning through play.

What has your child learned in the month of Setemeber?? This month, your children have been engaged in many learning experiences of  daily French and English activities in Literacy, Numeracy, Days of the week and 12 months of the year songs, educational smart board videos in French and English and becoming more independent in following daily routines.  Every week your child engages in gym, IPAD technology, Library, and two 60 minute blocks of play daily.


Who is shubert ?
What games have you played on the IPAD?
What songs do you know about fall in French?
What is the safe place or where is the safe place in your classroom?
Who do you play with?
What is centre time? what activities are available at centre time?
What does it mean to do the balloon, the drain, be a star or do the pretzel?
When would you do the pretzel the most? Can you show me what a quiet body looks like?

Please stay tuned for this  month's highlights of childrens' quotes, fotobables, discoveries and experiences through play.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Welcome Back!!!

Welcome Back Everyone!

We can't wait to see how much our little friends have grown over the summer.  PARENTS  please ensure you speak to one of the teacher's at the front of the school before leaving, we need to ensure departure at the end of the day has not changed.  We are asking parents to not proceed any further then the flag pole for safety measures.  All returning Kindergarten students will be coming through the front doors of the school for the first week as we introduce our JKs to the new routine. Over the summer you were asked to bring in some items such as facial tissues etc, Please also remember the following:

Indoor running shoes (please ensure the indoor footwear is      applicable for gym activities).

Blanket (preferably light and small enough to fit in a basket).

Spare clothes including socks and underwear.

Full size backpack preferred.


Monday, May 25, 2015

Holy Family BBQ

Thursday June 4th                               

4:30 p.m - 7:00 p.m.

Come out and  join us! 

We are accepting donations of Canada Day / Backyard items to build our theme baskets for our  classroom raffle that will be announced at the BBQ, On Friday your child went home with hot food order forms and an explaination regarding the event.  Can't wait to see you all there.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Save some very important dates

June 4th      We will be having our Holy Family BBQ  and basket bidding.  More information will follow               about ticket sales and basket donations to come.

June 16th     SK Farewell beginning at 9:00 a.m!

JK Information Night

For all our returning parents that have registered their child for the 2015-2016 year, this is a friendly reminder  that information night will begin Wednesday May 19th at 4:15 - 5:30 p.m. This is a great opportunity for your child to socialize with peers and give an introduction into school.  Every year brings new information for parents and an opportunity to ask questions.  We can't wait to see you all there.

Thanks for sharing and caring!

We went above and beyond  the thermometer total! Thank you Holy Family students, parents and our community helpers that made this year another success.  We will no longer be accepting food items for the remaining school year.  We can't wait to begin another great 2015-2016 year.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Jump Rope for Heart

The sun is in our favour for tomorrow for this special event so we're asking parents to please apply sunscreen to your children upon coming to school.

Come out and enjoy our muffin breakfast beginning at 7:30 a.m children will only be permitted into the school with a parent.

Please ensure your child brings the following:

running shoes

Water bottle with your child's name on it


Wear your colour RED tomorrow!

Friday, May 1, 2015


This is a friendly reminder of importance of mailbags and Library bags 

Mailbags are a form of communication between parent and teacher.  This is an informative tool used to provide independence and reliability of one's own belongings.  Please encourage this responsibility with your child by reminding their responsibility of bringing it into class and returning it in their backpack after mail has been delivered to you.

Library bags

This year, all library bags have a very important number laminated on your child's bag that is linked to the book they sign out.  It is important that the bag be returned weekly with the book.

Upcoming Events

Education Week begins May 4-8th

Monday:  kicks off with school spirit by wearing your school colours blue / white.  

Tuesday:  9:00 a.m Primary Play ( Les 3 Cochons)
               9:15 a.m DPA school wide Dance showcase

Wednesday:  Book Launch

Thursday:  Open House 7:30 a.m Muffin breakfast with Spring art displayed from classes.
                 Choir @ 8:00 a.m
                 Volunteer appreciation 8:15 a.m
                 Jump rope for Heart Kick off at 9:00 a.m

Friday:       Drop everything and read 1:45 p.m

Way To Go Holy Family!!!!

I am pleased to announce that through your generous generousity, Holy Family raised $778.22 for OK Clean water.  Hip Hip Hooray!!!! 

We would not be able to make it possible if we didn't have your kindness and gracious donations to support such great causes.

Words will never express the full meaning of THANKS for the ongoing support for The Shepherds of Good Hope.  

City Of Ottawa's Communicable Disease Guidelines

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Our hair heads are growing at a rapid speed! They are almost ready for a funky hair cut! Stay tuned. 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Spring has brought us new life!

Last year our class planted a beautiful Amaryllis.  To our surprise not much came from our beautiful leaf until this year.  The growth since Easter has came along way as the children closely observed the new life that has appeared in the classroom.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Hello Parents,

Our school yard is one big, muddy and wet mess!!!  We still want to go out daily for some fresh air, so rubber boots and splash pants would help your child stay dry and clean.  Thank you for your cooperation!!


Plastic lids from margerine, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream  and cream cheese containers 

Playdough would be greatly appreciated!

Please and Thank you!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Friday is Spirit Day

The students can show their school spirit by wearing their favorite jersey.  It can be of any sport they like or play. Don't forget to support our SENS if you can!

We will also be collecting coins for "The OK Clean Water Project" on Friday. Any amount 
is welcomed and most appreciated.

Thank you and GO SENS GO!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2015


We hope you all enjoyed some down time together.  Just  a friendly reminder to please RETURN BLANKETS tomorrow. Also, the weather is very unpredictable these days.  Spring has arrived but the temperature tells us the students still require a warm coat, boots, hats and mittens for an enjoyable gross motor outdoor play. Hopefully the winter boots will soon need to be exchanged for rubber boots as our yard will become wet and very muddy.

Thank you from The Kinder Team

Monday, March 16, 2015


As you have noticed, we sent the blankets home for a much needed wash.  Please return blankets on Monday, March 23rd so your child can have a cozy rest!  Thank you!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Special Request for St. Paddy's Day.

On Friday, March 13, we will celebrate St. Patrick's Day by reading stories, making crafts and enjoying and sharing Green Vegetables and Fruit! 

We ask that you please send your child with green snacks that day and perhaps one extra to share with others. Suggestions: one cucumber, some broccoli, a few snap peas, one kiwi, one celery stick, one green apple, etc.
The teachers will bring some dip to go with those delicious veggies and green ice cream for dessert!

Thank you as always for your participation in these fun filled activities!

Your Temporary Irish Kindergarten Team

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Special request:  A donation of a box of kleenex would be greatly appreciated.  We simply cannot keep up with the need this year!!  Thank you so much!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Tuesday and Ash Wednesday

On Tuesday, February 17th, The Knights of Columbus will be serving pancakes to the students.  Each student will be receiving 2 pancakes and a juice box for lunch.  Please send the regular amount of snacks for the day and any addition your child might require for lunch.

On Wednesday, February 18th, the students will participate in our Ash Wednesday Service and will receive Ashes on their forehead.  Everyone is welcome to join our Service.

A Heart Felt Thank You!

We would like to thank you for helping your little ones complete their Valentine cards. They were very excited to take all their cards and treats home. Thank you to all the families who donated a cake for the raffle. What an amazing assortment! We are also very grateful for your generous donations toward the Dance-a-thon Fundraiser and the purchase of cake raffle tickets.
Congratulations to all our lucky winners!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Valentine Dance-A-Thon

Friday, February 13th

Kinders will be dancing from 9:00 to 10:00 am

Parents are most welcome to come dance 
with their child(ren) for that hour,

Afterwards, the students will return to class to 
deliver the Valentines cards to their friends!
Thank you for supporting your child with this
great social and printing activity.

The Kindergarten Team
Stella Panetta, Emily Aubin
Diane Finlay, Darlene Lavoie

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Tomorrow is Pajama Day for the entire school!  Kindergarten's were asked to bring in their favourite stuffed animal to snuggle with.  Pull out your favourite comfortable Pj's  and get ready for a fun filled Friday.  If we could ask parents to ensure the children are still wearing undergarments under the pyjamas  and refrain from bringing slippers in as we want to ensure safety.