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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Hello Parents,

Re:  Valley View Farm

Just a friendly reminder to those who have not sent in their child's permission form and $6.50 to please do so early next week. Please do not forget to sign both sides even if your child does not have special medical needs.

We are very grateful for the many parent volunteers!  It will make the trip so enjoyable and worry free.  If you are willing to take a parent with you in your car, would you kindly drop us a line.  Much appreciated,

The Kindergarten Team

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Hello Parents,

We hope you are enjoying this beautiful long weekend.  We want to make sure you mark your calendars for 2 important dates.

Field Trip to ValleyView Farm:  Tuesday, June 10th (bus leaves promptly at 9:00 am)

Senior Kindergarten Farewell:  Tuesday, June 17th at 9:00 am (approx. 30 minutes)

We are looking forward to seeing many of you at both events!

The Kindergarten Team

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Panetta/Bruyn Classrrom

Our Fall veggie study went so well that we are now looking forward to having a fruit study.  On Tuesday, May 13, the students will have the opportunity to use their senses while comparing the differences between the fruits.  We are asking that each family send in any type of fruit to share with the class.  Anything will be gladly accepted and shared after our study.  Once again, thank you so much.

Mrs. Panetta and Miss Bruyn

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Hello Parents,

On Thursday, May 8th, Holy Family will be hosting an Open House between 8:30 and 9:00 am.  While you enjoy touring the classroom and interacting in one of the centers, we ask you to leave behind a message for your child using any art medium of your choice:
  • paint
  • markers
  • white boards
  • chart paper
  • crayons
  • pencil crayons
  • playdough and letter cutters
  • ink stamp pads and letters
  • or any creative way of your choice
If you are not able to attend, please feel free to send a message in your child's lunch kit or mailbag.  Looking forward to seeing many of you on Thursday.

Thank you,
The Kindergarten Team

Monday is Spirit Day!

It's the beginning of Education Week.

Wear your school colors, Blue and White, and

show your Holy Family Spirit!

Thursday, May 1, 2014


We are still missing some permission forms for
 the Jungle Sport taking place from May 26 to the 29th
 and for The Jump Rope for Heart  Activity Day
 on May 8th.  Please send them in as soon as possible 
so your child can enjoy these 2 exciting activities.
Thank you if you have already sent them in!