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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Please note the change......

The Kindergarten Christmas Concert will begin at 9:00 am sharp on Wednesday, December 18th!

LED Flameless Candles ASAP

Both Kindergarten rooms are asking if parents could please supply your child with one Flameless LED candle of any size. Please write your child's initials on the bottom of the candle, so it can be returned after the Christmas concert.
Most Dollar Stores are selling these types of candles.
Thank you,

The Kindergarten Team

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Shepherds of Good Hope Christmas Collection
Thank you so much for those who have already started bringing in
food items to fill our Hampers.  Our Christmas Tree is up in front
of the office ready to be decorated with socks, hats, mittens, scarves and
undergarments for all ages.  What a tremendous life lesson for the
students in learning to share with those less fortunate.
Thank you so much!