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Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween Day
Just a reminder that costumes are allowed to be worn on Thursday, October 31st.  We do ask that 
you keep props, masks and scary make-up at home please.  Please send your child wearing their costume making sure that they are still well dressed for the outdoor play time. The other option is to wear orange and black instead of a costume. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! 

Makana's Book

Listen  to Makana read her book that she wrote and illustrated all by herself!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Tatum's "C" discovery

Listen HERE

Mya's Name Discovery

She's making a LIST......

April and Emilee are getting ready for Halloween!

Listen to them sing  5 Little Pumpkins Here


Both Kindergarten rooms are fortunate to have a SMARTBOARD in each classroom and access to IPADS weekly.
With these amazing tools, your children are able to practice letter, number and reading skills.
Some apps we have been using are:
Balloons: Tap and Learn, Raz-Kids, Rocket speller and ABC Magic

Check out for more educational games we use on the smartboard!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Pizza Day is THURSDAY of this week!!!!!
We apologize for the confusion.

Also, we look forward to all your smiling faces! Picture day is TOMORROW !

Monday, October 21, 2013



Don't forget to bring your SMILE :)

Nicole.D's pattern

Nicole.D's pattern

Ariana's Discovery of the rocks

Ariana's Discovery of the rocks

Jacob's pattern

Jacob's pattern

Apple tasting update

Mme. Finlay / Ms. Lavoie's class have been talking about the various kinds of apples and the many experiences some of  our friend's have explored through picking apples at the orchard or helping a parent bake that warm apple pie.  As a class, we put the apples to a taste test!  Which apple would taste the best?  The results are in! A big thank you to our research team Gabriel, Victoria and Janessa for tallying up our results

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

As the pictures below demonstrate, the students were very busy with our final veggie study on Thursday.  The scale was very busy but it was definitely their taste buds that got the busiest workout.  We cooked up the spaghetti squash and they simply could not get enough of the "good stuff"!  They also gobbled up all the other vegetables with such enthusiasm.  It's official, Mrs. Panetta and Miss Bruyn's students love vegetables.  Who needs a prize box??  Thank you again for sending in the veggies...could not fulfill all their inquiries without you.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!
See you Tuesday :)

The Kindergarten Team

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Les feuilles tombent

Les feuilles tombent

Mme. Finlay / Ms. Lavoie's Class News Bulletin

The seasons have begun changing and our little explorers have begun their discoveries with the signs of fall.  This week we've been talking about the leaves in French.  A beautiful fotobable was created today of our class singing " Les Feuilles Tombent"

Mme. Finlay / Ms. Lavoie's Class

Thank you to all the students and families that are continously bringing in nonparishable food items for The shepherds of Good Hope.

The class has been working on a graph tallying all the food brought in daily ( photos attached). Through your generous donations the children are learning to graph and count and the importance of giving!


Tomorrow at 10:00 am our students will be participating in our first school mass in the gymnasium.  They will receive a blessing at communion time.  Please ask your child about what he/she saw and learnt while at mass.


Thank you to all the families that participated in our first Scholastic Book order!
We placed an order for $181.35 permitting us to order new Fall books for our classrooms!  Just a reminder that October's order is due on the 15th. Thanks again for supporting our early reading program.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


A very friendly reminder...
  1. Library books need to be returned weekly with their bag.  If your child would like to keep their book for a second week, he/she can take it out again.  The bag must always accompany the book in order to keep the book clean and neat. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

    2.   Please keep all toys at home.  This not only becomes a problem in class with losing them
           or arguing over them but it is a also an issue on the bus.  The students take the toys out of 
          their bags, they drop them, they get off their seat to pick them up or they scream that it
          has fallen.  This becomes a safety issue for all children on the bus.  Thank you so much for
          cooperation on this matter.     
Used Batteries
Our school is once again collecting used batteries for recycling purposes.  We want to make sure they do not end up in our landfill.  This is already a worthwhile activity but in order to make it more fun, the class who collects the most batteries will be treated to a pizza lunch. 

Follow-up on the Veggie study in Mrs. Panetta and Miss Bruyn's class.  We received a variety of veggies and the students are having fun looking at them, smelling them and holding them.  The students had an opportunity to use their clip boards to draw or print their observations and will continue to do so throughout the week.  Tomorrow we will check for boyancy...will it float or sink?   On Thursday, we will cook up the spaghetti squash and everyone will have an opportunity to have a taste.  Thank you so much for your participation in this fun inquiry!