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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Please note the change......

The Kindergarten Christmas Concert will begin at 9:00 am sharp on Wednesday, December 18th!

LED Flameless Candles ASAP

Both Kindergarten rooms are asking if parents could please supply your child with one Flameless LED candle of any size. Please write your child's initials on the bottom of the candle, so it can be returned after the Christmas concert.
Most Dollar Stores are selling these types of candles.
Thank you,

The Kindergarten Team

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Shepherds of Good Hope Christmas Collection
Thank you so much for those who have already started bringing in
food items to fill our Hampers.  Our Christmas Tree is up in front
of the office ready to be decorated with socks, hats, mittens, scarves and
undergarments for all ages.  What a tremendous life lesson for the
students in learning to share with those less fortunate.
Thank you so much!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Lost and Found

We are sad and lonely! We miss our homes! Who do we belong too? Send us a message and please let us know.
Mrs. Panetta and Miss. Bruyn

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Public Library Cards

Last week we had a very special guest come in from the public library to read and share some amazing resources they have available.  Registration packages for a public library card are available at the school upon request from parents.  If you wish to have a registration package sent home please send us friendly note in your child's mailbag.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Mme. Finlay / Ms. Lavoie's Class & Mrs. Panetta / Ms. Bruyn's Class-Oops message sent early! Corrections made.


If your child is bringing Chapstick please talk about the purpose of it. It is simply for dried lips and is NOT to be shared. After use, it is to be put back in their backpack.

We are seeing some amazing healthy snacks coming in on a daily basis! A big thumbs up to all the parents.  In both rooms, we have a great apple slicer that the children are encouraged to use but we would like to ask that oranges and tangerines be sliced and peeled as the children are having difficulty doing this independently.  For the safe handling of food we ask for your cooperation in this manner.

As the seasons have changed so will the spare clothes that you provided in September.  We are asking all parents to bring in a full spare clothes outfit that contains underwear, socks, long sleeve shirt or sweater with a pair of pants.  In the next following weeks we will be sending home the clothes that were given in September as your child might have outgrown or were seasonal clothes at that time.

Thank you for all your cooperation

Monday, November 18, 2013

Great Christmas Gift Ideas for Family and Friends.  The last Scholastic Book order before Christmas was sent home today.  There are some great books as low as $1.99...super for stocking stuffers!  Happy Shopping!

Kindergarten Christmas Concert 2013
Please Save the Date:
December 18th at 9:15 am
(about 30 minutes)
More information will follow
closer to the date.

Friday, November 15, 2013

UPDATE- Panetta/Bruyn

Just like Mme. Finlay and Ms. Lavoie's class, we are having problems with our classroom Ipad. We are patiently waiting for software updates so we can upload our wonderful pictures from class! We hope to have this problem fixed very soon.
In the meantime, have a look below at some of these amazing fotobabbles ! We are so proud!

E is for Emierah

A lightboard, sand and alphabet cards!  Listen HERE as Emierah explains how she uses them.

Kaleb's Puppet Show

Click HERE to listen to Kaleb's  puppet performance! What a wonderful singer!

Tevin the Tyrannosaurus, explains what we created in the Dramatic Area

Click HERE to listen

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Mme. Finlay / Ms. Lavoie's class

Unfortunately, due to needed updates for our kindergarten IPAD, we are having some difficulty loading our pictures at this time and we ask for you to check regularly until we can resolve this issue thank you for your understanding in this matter.  The children have been working on a plan to redevelop our dramatic area and we need your help!  Through web planning, the children would like to create a hospital / veterinarian office in their play area.  Parents can help by simply bringing some supplies to the class such as, a roll of toilet paper for cast making, tensor bandages or bandages of any sort and old Halloween costumes are always welcomed too. Be creative! Ask your child what they've noticed as materials needed when going to the hospital or doctor's office.  If your child has a stuffed animal such as a dog or cat or any animal they could bring in for play along with collars, leashes and maybe even an old cat carrier.  We are hoping to set this up for the last week of November.  Thank you in advance for your contributions.  Please label all that you would like returned.  

Lucia's Picture Story

Lucia's Picture Story

Lucia's Picture Story

Lucia's Picture Story

Violette and Carter's abc phonics connection

Violette and Carter's abc phonics connection

Emma's Halloween picture story

Emma's Halloween picture story

Jacob's rainbow song

Jacob's rainbow song

Ariana's colour drinks

Ariana's colour drinks

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mme. Finlay / Ms. Lavoie's Class

The month of October has come and gone and with it, came many learning opportunities explored.  The holidays brought some amazing opportunities for the children to work with but our brilliant little ones are always eager to bring it above and beyond.  Take a moment to check out some amazing photo babbles and  pictures caught during play.

Winter is around the corner and we would like to take this opportunity to ask parents to label all outerwear as you have for the clothing indoors.  The children are outside daily and will need warm hats and mitts 

Dear Parents,

Yes, the cold weather is upon us.  Every child should be wearing boots by now as we go out everyday for some fresh air.  An extra pair of mittens and socks in their back back would also be helpful.  They love to round around on the grass and it is muddy right now.  Please, please, please label everything.  Even if there is no tag on the clothing item, a sharpie directly on the fabric works well.  Thank you so much for cooperation and understanding.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Friendly reminder to please return the purple forms from the Carleton  University on Monday.  The study will take place outside our classroom door.  We are truly interested to see the results of the children's thinking!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


LIBRARY BOOKS are always due the following Monday (or Tuesday at the latest !) 
Please try your very best to return them each and every week.

Thank you,
The Kindergarten Team

Monday, November 4, 2013

Photo proofs are IN!!!!

After school today, we received  your child's photo proofs from picture day! And let me tell you THEY ARE ADORABLE!!!!
We will send them home with your child tomorrow.

The Kindergarten Team


Friday, November 1, 2013

Scholastic Order with NO Name!

If you ordered Scholastic books: Let it Fall and Sophia the First Halloween Ball
Please let us know ! We have a form with no name.

Thank you

Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween Day
Just a reminder that costumes are allowed to be worn on Thursday, October 31st.  We do ask that 
you keep props, masks and scary make-up at home please.  Please send your child wearing their costume making sure that they are still well dressed for the outdoor play time. The other option is to wear orange and black instead of a costume. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! 

Makana's Book

Listen  to Makana read her book that she wrote and illustrated all by herself!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Tatum's "C" discovery

Listen HERE

Mya's Name Discovery

She's making a LIST......

April and Emilee are getting ready for Halloween!

Listen to them sing  5 Little Pumpkins Here


Both Kindergarten rooms are fortunate to have a SMARTBOARD in each classroom and access to IPADS weekly.
With these amazing tools, your children are able to practice letter, number and reading skills.
Some apps we have been using are:
Balloons: Tap and Learn, Raz-Kids, Rocket speller and ABC Magic

Check out for more educational games we use on the smartboard!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Pizza Day is THURSDAY of this week!!!!!
We apologize for the confusion.

Also, we look forward to all your smiling faces! Picture day is TOMORROW !

Monday, October 21, 2013



Don't forget to bring your SMILE :)

Nicole.D's pattern

Nicole.D's pattern

Ariana's Discovery of the rocks

Ariana's Discovery of the rocks

Jacob's pattern

Jacob's pattern

Apple tasting update

Mme. Finlay / Ms. Lavoie's class have been talking about the various kinds of apples and the many experiences some of  our friend's have explored through picking apples at the orchard or helping a parent bake that warm apple pie.  As a class, we put the apples to a taste test!  Which apple would taste the best?  The results are in! A big thank you to our research team Gabriel, Victoria and Janessa for tallying up our results

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

As the pictures below demonstrate, the students were very busy with our final veggie study on Thursday.  The scale was very busy but it was definitely their taste buds that got the busiest workout.  We cooked up the spaghetti squash and they simply could not get enough of the "good stuff"!  They also gobbled up all the other vegetables with such enthusiasm.  It's official, Mrs. Panetta and Miss Bruyn's students love vegetables.  Who needs a prize box??  Thank you again for sending in the veggies...could not fulfill all their inquiries without you.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!
See you Tuesday :)

The Kindergarten Team

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Les feuilles tombent

Les feuilles tombent

Mme. Finlay / Ms. Lavoie's Class News Bulletin

The seasons have begun changing and our little explorers have begun their discoveries with the signs of fall.  This week we've been talking about the leaves in French.  A beautiful fotobable was created today of our class singing " Les Feuilles Tombent"

Mme. Finlay / Ms. Lavoie's Class

Thank you to all the students and families that are continously bringing in nonparishable food items for The shepherds of Good Hope.

The class has been working on a graph tallying all the food brought in daily ( photos attached). Through your generous donations the children are learning to graph and count and the importance of giving!